There is a song, I was not able to find any examples of the song on the internet. I don't know if this is a traditional song or if it is a song composed for this record book. I will, however include the romanized lyrics, for anyone who can read music and would like to sing along.
Click on the images to view them larger.

The Mouse's Marriage
A mouse ready to marry, is looking for a husband
They have searched all over, but surely it will be a mouse
Squeak squeak squeak
Squeak squeak squeak
The mice all congratulate
If the bride is a mouse
The best choice of husband is surely a mouse
Squeak squeak squeak
Squeak squeak squeak
The mice all congratulate
Sagashi mawatta, mita keredo
Yappari nezumi de gozaimasu
Chu' chu' chu'
Chu' chu' chu'
Nezumi doushi de omedetou
Hanayome-sama ga, nezumi nara
Sangokuichi no omuko-sama
Yappari nezumi de gozaimasu
Chu' chu' chu'
Chu' chu' chu'
Nezumi doushi de omedetou

"I want my daughter to marry the greatest person in the world."
Just who could be the greatest person in the world?
"I see! Because it is Mr. Sun that lights up the entire world."
So then the mice went to Mr. Sun and said,
"Mr. Sun, will you please marry our daughter?"
"Hoho, I'm sorry. Actually, there is someone who is much greater than I am."
"And who could that be?"
"The Cloud. Even if I am shining bright, I can be completely covered up by the fluffy Cloud."
"I see."
"You are the greatest Cloud in the world, will you please marry my daughter?"
"Impossible. I am not the greatest in the world. There is one who is greater than I am."
"Who could that be?"
"Mr. Wind. Even if I try my best to blanket the sky, I am blown away by Mr. Wind."
"Squeak squeak squeak, therefore Mr. Wind is the greatest in the world."
"Then let's give our daughter to Mr. Wind."
"I am grateful, but there is one who is stronger than me. Mr. Wall. Even if I blow with all my might, he won't budge at all."
The mice pleaded with the wall,
"Mr. Wall, Mr. Wall, Please accept our daughter."
"Mr. Mouse, there is something that can defeat me."
"Now, who could that be?"
"It is mice. When you chew on me I become full of holes."
"I see. Therefore, the greatest in the world are mice after all."
"Then, father, lets have our daughter marry a mouse."
Therefore, the mouse father and mother decided on the mouse that lived next door.
Come, tonight is a joyous wedding ceremony.
The mouse daughter and the mouse husband lived happily ever after.

I find the image on the back of the book absolutely adorable. She looks like a little mouse maiko-san!
You can read the other children's book I have from this series here.
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